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How Mossad Defiled A Public Hospital

Dr. David Russell-Weisz - WA Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz – WA Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz started working as WA Director General of Health in August 2015. Shortly afterward, Mossad took complete control of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, SCGH.

It is obvious that Dr. Russell-Weisz is:
1. An agent of Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.
2. Very senior in the Mossad hierarchy in Australia.


I never expected Mossad to defile a public facility as they followed me around, but they did. The facility is SCGH.

While working at SCGH, I noticed a guy who seemed to be everywhere I went. I later came to learn his name was Ali. Although unusual for someone to appear at almost every place I went, it might not necessarily mean anything. But the guy behaved in a way to suggest he really wanted us to become acquainted.

I avoided that because of earlier experiences with Mossad. I started wondering whether the guy was following instructions fend to him by Mossad.

After ignoring the guy for several weeks, his handlers decided to force me to acknowledge his presence in another way.

Like in any workplace, a senior official can learn before-hand where a worker would most likely be at a particular time.

So I was talking to this lady at the hospital when Ali approached, talked to her like someone he knew very well, and announced to me: ‘You are talking to my mum!’. She confirmed that she was his mum. It was so ridiculous, I mean, even a kid could tell it was all pre-planned.

He greeted me very enthusiastically and told me his name was Ali. I decided to play along, and told him my name. What followed was very unusual.

Normally, people who become friends start knowing about each other slowly. They could start by knowing each other’s names, have general conversations, and after some time, they would go on to the next stage where they could talk about their families etc. It might even take 6 months or more before 2 people become acquainted enough to talk about very personal issues.

But for Ali, it took about 6 hours for him to move from a total stranger to a ‘close friend’ discussing very personal matters with me, and expecting me to reciprocate. He did this by meeting me about 10 times within those 6 hours, and every time we met(or rather, when he came to where I was), he would move our ‘friendship’ a rung higher.

Working for Mossad

From his mannerisms, I knew he was not a Mossad agent, but someone working for a Mossad agent without knowing. The Mossad agent would, of course, be presenting himself/herself as someone else entirely.

As I was going home that evening, I thought about the Ali situation. I concluded that Mossad had planned something very big for me at work the next morning, and Ali would probably be waiting for me at the main hospital entrance that I used every morning.

I speculated Mossad could have planned something regarding setting me up with an illegality, and Ali would be their unknowing link-man, a patsy, so to speak.

I was already aware that Mossad was trying very hard to have me be accused of committing a criminal act, and had been trying to set me up for years. Someone might ask, why would Mossad go to all those lengths just to set someone up? Why not just do it outside the hospital where it would be much easier?

The answer to that is this: I have seen Mossad employ tactics I have never heard about, never read about, and never even seen in a movie or any other media. Probably the reason they are so successful is because they use tactics that nobody knows about.

Back to the Ali situation. I decided that the next morning I would park at a different place, and use an entry to the hospital that I had never used before. The plan was to scuttle their plans for that day, and hope for the best.

Avoiding Ali

That morning, I did as planned, and managed to avoid the guy for a couple of hours. Then something happened. A colleague, let me call him Zac (not his real name), a good gentleman, came for me, and told me I was needed somewhere. I followed him. He took me to a ‘common room’, a place where hospital workers could hang about in between shifts. He indicated I should wait for him, while he ran some errand for a minute.

There were about 10 people standing around, with Ali being nearest to me, about 2 metres away. I behaved like I couldn’t tell him from Adam, and just stood there waiting for Zac to return.

When Zac returned after about a minute and saw me standing alone looking straight ahead, he seemed quite taken aback. It was obvious to me that is not what he was expecting. Of course, I also realised what was going on, but stayed calm.

Apparently, Zac and Ali knew each other, so Zac acknowledged Ali’s presence, at which point Ali came over to greet him. I greeted him, too. It appeared to me that Zac now wanted to go and leave me with Ali, which surprised me because it would then mean he was not taking me anywhere, but he only wanted me to meet Ali. It was very obvious that someone quite high up must have given Zac those instructions.

Sabotaging The Hospital

Someone was desperately trying to force a friendship between me and Ali, even going to the extent of sabotaging activities at the hospital, in the pursuit of that friendship.

Not wanting to risk finding out what was planned next, I quickly excused myself and left. I met Zac some minutes later. He seemed quite puzzled, because apparently, he expected me and Ali to be quite close. I told him the first time I ever spoke to the guy was the previous day, and I also explained how the guy claimed a certain lady who also worked at the hospital was his mother.

Zac appeared even more confused when he heard that. Then he asked me a certain question. I answered that question truthfully. It was obvious to me that Zac immediately recognised he had been set up. Someone had lied to him in order to get his cooperation.

Because it has proved impossible to get innocent people Mossad uses in its schemes to tell me who sent them, and what were their exact instructions, I have no choice but to use the questions they ask to try and figure out what exactly is going on.

The question Zac asked me implied that a very senior person at SCGH had used lies to involve Zac in unethical conduct. As far as Zac was concerned, he was helping authorities so a very dangerous person could be removed from society. And the way I answered the question proved that a very senior person at the hospital was a criminal.

Zac quickly excused himself. His behaviour after that indicated clearly to me that, yes, he knew some people were committing criminal acts against me, or were planning to commit criminal acts against me, but he didn’t want to be involved, either on their side, or on my side.

Since I knew Zac as a good man, every time we met, I would greet him, but he would always increase his strides, clearly trying as much as he could to avoid me. He never ever greeted me first after that incident. It was obvious he wished I would assume we had never met.

I guessed Zac behaved that way because he was worried that if he allowed me to talk to him, I might ask him about who had sent him that day, and what were his exact instructions. And he would be right.

Back to Ali. After that day, I didn’t want anything to do with him, but he was always stalking me. One day, I decided to act. I asked him: “Why do you let criminals use you to stalk another man?”

His reply was very telling. He said: “This matter is very complicated.”

He did not deny that he was working for criminals, and he did not deny that he was stalking me. I understood that to mean he was being blackmailed.

Anyway, after our brief conversation, I wanted to talk to him some more, but he avoided me. He never stalked me again.

Mossad’s Use of Underground Tactics

They use the most crafty subterfuge tactics to hide their real intentions. They must have their way at all costs. They engage in the most base acts as they seek to destroy those they do not like.

They lie, they deceive, they destroy, they blackmail all in the process of making sure their real intentions are not found out.

Nothing is sacred to Mossad. No deed is too despicable to them as long as their end goal is achieved.

Mossad: By Deception, Thou Shall Wage War

Dr. David Russell-Weisz - WA Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz – WA Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz started working as WA Director General of Health in August 2015. Shortly afterward, Mossad took complete control of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, SCGH.

It is obvious that Dr. Russell-Weisz is:
1. An agent of Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.
2. Very senior in the Mossad hierarchy in Australia.


In early 2012, Mossad attempted to kill me. I have written about it here.

That incident changed my life completely. Being targeted for elimination for reasons you don’t know, and by people you don’t know makes one see every stranger as a potential assassin.

Several weeks after that attempt on my life, there was a knock on the door. I first checked to see who was knocking before opening the door. Not seeing any signs of danger, I opened the door, stepped outside, and closed it behind me.

The visitors were two ladies, one elderly, and the other about 24-30 years old. They explained that they were evangelists spreading the good word of the Lord in the neighbourhood. The older lady started explaining about their mission, referring to the Bible now and then.

The younger lady was not talking, but I directed my responses to both of them.

Maybe I was imagining things, but it seemed like the young lady was slowly positioning herself further from her companion, and more towards my blind side.

I surreptitiously turned so that both of them were directly in front of me. I couldn’t help but notice that the young lady looked quite well-built, and was at least 6 feet tall. She is the most powerfully built woman I have ever encountered in my life. I would compare her build to that of women who throw hammer, discuss or javelin in the olympics.

A year before, that wouldn’t have meant anything, but given my current circumstances, she made me quite uncomfortable.

Err on Side of Caution

My discomfort was also accentuated by the fact that every time I addressed the young lady directly, she would seem uninterested – only saying a few words – and the older lady would answer on her behalf.

I wanted to end the debate as quickly as possible without sounding rude, but the older lady seemed interested in extending it. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry. The older lady seemed to behave in a way to suggest, since the discussion was taking too long, maybe it was necessary to go inside and sit down, though she did not say so.

I decided to end the conversation using a method I thought would work. I told them that I had an appointment, and could they come same time the next day we continue the conversation? They agreed and left.

After they left, I thought about the encounter. My opinion at the time was that the chances that they had been sent by Mossad was a bit slim. However, I thought I reacted correctly because when the option is either they are genuine evangelists or they are cold blooded killers, the only real option is to err on the side of caution.

One thought came to my mind again and again: If I had let them into the house, the older lady would have kept me busy with Bible stories, and while I was fully engaged in the discussion, the young lady would slyly tiptoe and jump me from behind. Maybe she had a weapon, but even if she was not armed, how many strong, healthy people have been killed by one-punch attack when caught off-guard?


Surprisingly, the ladies came the next day, same time. Luckily, there was an adult family member in the house who answered the door. They asked for me. The family member, who was aware about the previous day’s incident, told them I wasn’t in.

Surprisingly, they did not offer to evangelise to this family member.

That made me very suspicious about their intentions. They came the next day, but I didn’t open the door. They came the day after that, same case. Finally, they stopped coming.


Before Mossad came into my life, I thought that satanism was just a fad. Nowadays, there’s no doubt on my mind that indeed some people do worship satan, though they may refer to him by some other name.

Contrary to what some folks might think, the people who worship satan have tremendous advantage over the regular people – until they are found out. Regular people(people who do not worship satan) make a lot of ‘autopilot’ assumptions in their everyday activities, based on trust in other humans. This makes them vulnerable to deception and manipulation by the satanists.

This is how I got a peep into satanism: Mossad likes to have their plots work in a seamless and unsuspicious manner. This strategy entails having innocent people act in the interests of Mossad without knowing. That way, nobody will ever associate Mossad with criminal activity.

While working at SCGH, I once encountered a devious trap Mossad had set up expecting me to take the bait. The whole setup is something I cannot write about here because it does not belong in regular peoples’ world. I told myself, ‘these people must truly be satanists.’

What also surprised me is that in their twisted minds, they expected me to go along with their plot.

Over the years, I have come to believe that Mossad has twisted, Lucifer-worshiping psychologists who assist them set up their devious schemes.