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SCGH, Mossad Agent & I

After years of observing Mossad activities as they plotted against me, I have come to identify three categories of people they use:

Mossad Agents: I knew three of them who presented themselves as normal employees at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, SCGH. They are Joseph, who claimed to come from Eritrea, Tamara, who claimed to come from Zimbabwe, and Svetlana, or Katerina (not sure of the name), who claimed to come from an Eastern European country (can’t recall which). I will call her Katerina.

I guess I wasn’t paying attention when she told me her name, because I never got it, yet am sure she told me her name more than once.

Mossad ‘Contractors’: These are people who might not be Mossad agents, but carry out tasks given to them by Mossad knowingly, or at least could have reason to suspect they may be working for Mossad or an ally of Mossad, but they don’t mind working for them. They are ready to do unethical/illegal tasks for these guys. An example is a senior employee at SCGH called Barbara, whose office is based next to ward C16.

Mossad ‘Unknowing Associates’: These are people who are 100% innocent. They carry out tasks for Mossad unknowingly, and would be greatly offended if they found out Mossad was behind their actions. An example is a guy called Ali that I have referred to in an earlier post.

Katerina & I

I knew Katerina was a Mossad agent from her mannerisms. I could tell she was a pro. Her body structure showed she was quite strong, probably well trained in hand-to-hand combat. I noticed that she always made sure she was aware where I was at all times. I, on the other hand, behaved as though I was not aware that she was spying on me.

Something I noticed about the Mossad agents I met at the hospital was that they were very, very friendly and courteous. And Katerina was no exception.

If I went to talk to another hospital employee, she would show up mysteriously. Many are the times she also joined the conversation discreetly. After a few weeks, I was certain she was a Mossad agent.

She tried very hard to create a kind of friendship between us, but since it was not in my interest, I did all I could to keep her at a distance.

I had known earlier that one of the missions of the agents was to besmirch my name. I had no doubt that Katerina was doing her part behind my back, discreetly destroying my reputation among my colleagues, but, of course, I had no evidence. I wondered what her other missions were. But I later found out about her second mission regarding me.

Katerina Missions

Since Mossad has been on my case for a long time, I have become curious and wondered how they operate. I have wondered, how are they able to make an ordinary person do something bad/unethical against me? And yet when I try to explain my side of the story, the other person (normally a very good person) is not the least interested in my explanation?

I once had the opportunity to understand how they operate regarding this matter. One day, I was told by about two colleagues that a certain guy, who also worked at the hospital was looking for me. I will call him Troy (not his real name).

A few minutes later, as I was resting in a room alone, Troy came. He was very, very furious with me. In all the time I have worked at the hospital, I have never seen another person so openly angry with me.

Because of my situation, it is very important that I walk away from such belligerent persons. But the guy was standing at the door, so there was no escape for me. He was accusing me of something I had not done, so I tried to explain, but he would hear none of it. We started arguing. I lost control, and the argument turned into a quarrel. We were within a few seconds of a fistfight when another hospital employee separated us.

When I cooled down and thought clearly about that situation, there was no doubt on my mind that it was all a set-up. I was certain someone had deliberately fed Troy wrong information, and cleverly incited him against me.

Could Mossad have been behind the altercation, and what would they gain? Well, I have come to learn about some very unusual Mossad tactics. For instance, they don’t send someone to beat you up, as everyone else would do if they hate someone.

They will send someone to provoke you, so you can lose your temper, beat up that person, and you end up in jail. That is why they can terrorise a person without them technically breaking the law.

A few weeks after the incident with Troy, Katerina approached me and told me about a certain matter. If I had any doubt that she was a Mossad agent, that doubt ended right there. I immediately knew she was the person who had incited Troy against me, because what she told me regarding another hospital employee (I will call him Pi, not his real name) was meant to incite me to go into a rage against Pi, in the same way Troy had done against me.

Apparently, she didn’t know I knew who she was working for. I wasn’t interested in her cock and bull story. I think she realised then that I was suspicious of her. I never saw her again.

From that Katerina inciting incident, I learnt why Mossad is so successful when they want an ordinary person to perform a bad/unethical/illegal task for them.

1. The person telling you something, tells it in a way to prove to you they are not interested in what they are telling you. There is no benefit the person giving you the information will gain by passing you that information.
2. They play mind games. This is very difficult to explain.

This how Katerina wanted to program me.

Mossad’s Use of Unusual Tactics

I will use an analogy to explain some tactics I have seen Mossad use, and how a good person can be used by them without knowing, to hurt a person on their behalf.

Consider this situation: A man recently came to live in a nearby house. He is called Jack, and is right-handed, like most people are. Someone informs you that he pities Jack so much because he is left-handed, but he is so self-conscious about it, and forces himself to use his right hand…

Now, if someone tells you that, the last thing on your mind would be that it could be a lie. Why would someone lie about something like that? What would he gain? So you will believe that story about Jack.

If a few weeks later you hear a rumour about a pervert thought to be living in the area, and it is believed he is naturally left-handed, what will come to your mind? You might want to discuss the issue of Jack with a few friends…

You might not even remember the person who first told you about him. That is how Mossad operates.


There are people who choose to act when they are programmed by Katerina and other agents. One of them was a lady who worked in a different department. She showed, through her actions, that her number one problem in the world is me. I guessed that, if someone asked her ‘who is the one person you think if he died you would be happier?’, she would have chosen me.

Yet, I didn’t even know her name. All I knew was that she was Asian.

One time, she followed me and insulted me very badly. Indirectly, of course, to cover herself. I didn’t react. Later, she came nearby and uttered another very bad insult. Indirectly, again. I think she thought maybe I didn’t understand the first insult was directed at me, so if she added another indirect insult, I should understand I am the person being insulted.

I understood both times that she was insulting me, but the reason for my luck of reaction was very different from what she thought. My lack of reaction was because I knew she didn’t know she had been programmed by Mossad, and that she knew nothing about me. I couldn’t blame her since she didn’t know what she was doing. The end result was that she ended up being more stressed than I. It had zero effect on me.

I have learnt not to let insults/innuendoes/insinuations affect me in any way. I guess that is why Mossad decided to go after my kids, since seeing your kids being destroyed would break any parent’s heart.

NOTE: Although there certainly were other Mossad agents around, for me to recognise one, that person had to have direct contact with me, or work very close to me on many occasions.

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The Day I Was Almost Knifed, in Broad Daylight

NOTE: “My True Life Story” book is available at Amazon and Google Play.

When a very powerful spy agency declares an ordinary person as their No.1 enemy, then only God can protect such a person, and save him from being killed. I know that I am only alive because of grace of the Almighty Lord.

Since Mossad has been on my case for many years, I have learnt plenty about their tactics. For instance, I have learnt about the type of people – Unknowing Associates – they use to perform various activities for Mossad.

I have explained in an earlier article how 4 years ago, Mossad pressured a doctor to deliberately misdiagnose me.

Most doctors wouldn’t agree to deliberately misdiagnose someone, regardless of the tactics used to intimidate them, and in fact, would most likely report the person pressuring them to do that.

So, how did Mossad do it, and made sure the doctor wouldn’t report them to the authorities?

I have discovered that Mossad has studied behaviours of people/communities/nations from around the world, and grouped them into various categories – e.g. “this category of people, if one of them is a doctor, we can easily manipulate him/her to do a,b,c; but we wouldn’t be able to manipulate people in these categories to do that, without risking being found out…”

“This category of people, we can easily manipulate them to stab our subject; but we wouldn’t be able to manipulate people in these categories to do that, without risking being found out…” etc.

Mossad has made me know a lot of things that most people do not know about them; Information that I never set out to know about.

Consequently, I use the information I have learnt from Mossad to boost my chances of remaining alive. For instance, a few years ago, I was supposed to undergo a certain procedure in hospital.

I met the doctor who was to do the procedure, and he informed me of the day I was to return to hospital for the procedure.

That doctor had the profile of the type of doctor Mossad would use to do whatever they wanted. Naturally, there was no way I was going back for that appointment. I used excuses to cancel the appointment.

NOTE: The profile of the doctor is not what most people would expect. In fact, I believe that, if 100 doctors from various backgrounds were lined up, including 1 who fits the “Mossad profile”, and random people asked to select the one Mossad would use to misdiagnose or even kill patients, 99.99% of people would fail.

That is how good Mossad is. They use people you wouldn’t expect. That is why they are so successful.

It is also important to note that these UNKNOWING people Mossad uses are not bad people. They are ordinary people who nevertheless get manipulated to do criminal acts, believing they are doing it to make the world better.

How is this possible?

I will use an analogy: Suppose you know that a certain person has kidnapped 2 young children, and is hiding them in his house. Suppose you also know that the kidnapper is not giving the children food or water.

Suppose you also know that the authorities are hiding behind “red tape”, and are refusing to do anything about it…

Under the circumstances, there are many ordinary citizens who would take it upon themselves to save the children, and even kill the kidnapper, if necessary.

A resourceful, criminal spy agency would only need to convince someone that the events above are real, if they want a manipulatable person to kill an innocent man, believing he is doing it for the common good.

That is how Mossad operates. Using these kind of tactics, they make good people commit criminal acts for them.

In the example above, most people wouldn’t believe that it is possible that the authorities could let the kids die. However, a few people would believe it. The advantage Mossad has is that they know exactly the kind of people who would believe the story.

Through Mossad activities around me, I have also come to know about the type of persons they are most likely to use to do A,B,C against me. I then use this knowledge to minimise risk to myself.

Obviously, I cannot eliminate Mossad’s dangers towards me, I can only lower the risk.

Knife Attack

A few months ago, I went to a certain store in a shopping centre not too far away from home. It was during daytime. I parked my car about 10 metres from the store, and walked towards the entrance.

I saw a certain lady standing a few metres from the entrance. She was talking on her mobile. Although there were other people around, within a fraction of a second, I figured that the lady was there because of me i.e. she had been sent by Mossad. (Yes, Mossad follows me around, and have done so for years)

Within one second, I had noticed that the lady fit the profile of someone Mossad would send to do something that would inconvenience me at the store.

I am used to these kind of tactics, so I would still go ahead and buy whatever I was buying, while trying to make sure the inconveniencing tactics don’t succeed, if possible.

Anyway, the woman did not enter the store, as I had expected. She just went on speaking on the phone.

I went into the store, bought what I needed, and walked out. I had walked about 3-4 metres from the store’s exit when some guy suddenly appeared in front of me, begging for “a few coins”.

In these kind of situations, you have to think and act very, very fast.

I have never seen a real beggar blocking someone. Yet, this guy was not only blocking me, he was very close to me, occupying my personal space.

I immediately side-stepped him, and walked quickly towards my car. He followed me briefly, but I entered my car and quickly closed the door. The guy then walked away.

The fact that the “beggar” followed me briefly, proved that he was no real beggar. There were other people 5-10 metres away he could have gone to beg from, after I ignored him. But he didn’t do that.

I saw his hand press something sharp in his jumper, as he walked away. I knew then what was going on.

I continued observing him, and surprise! He walked straight to the lady I had noticed earlier – the one on the phone. The woman-on-the-phone had by now walked away from the store, about 20 metres away.

They chatted furiously, no wonder cussing for not succeeding in doing what they had been paid to do.

This is what I believe was happening:

Mossad was observing my movements, inside and outside the store, using various cameras. Mossad agents OUTSIDE Australia were watching these cameras and talking to the woman-on-the-phone – using an untraceable phone with a number disguised as an Australian phone number – guiding her about where I was, and what she was supposed to do…

The woman-on-the-phone was probably using hand gestures to guide the guy-with-the-knife.

NB: I believe the woman-on-the-phone was talking to Mossad agents abroad because Mossad would know if the plan succeeded, the lady on the phone would quickly be found to be a co-suspect in the murder.

Therefore, they would make sure there would be no traceable connection between Mossad and the 2 would-be killers. The 2 would probably have been recruited through their local drug-supplier, who in turn, wouldn’t know the real name or contacts of the person who made him hire the 2 would-be killers.

The woman-on-the-phone and the guy-with-the-knife, both fit the profiles of people Mossad would use for such a criminal activity.

They were probably made to believe that, if the guy-with-the-knife was positioned very close to me, the store camera wouldn’t capture the knife attack, since I would be blocking the view.

They were also probably convinced that, since there was some talking between us, he would be able to claim self-defence…Get 1-2 years in prison, then come out to enjoy the $500,000 they would be paid, in cash.

Obviously, the woman-on-the-phone and the guy-with-the-knife would both be selected by Mossad because, apart from having the right profile for the job, they would be daft enough to believe that the self-defence story would be bought by anyone.

Also, both would almost certainly be drug-addicts.

Anyway, I survived that day.

I also survived another dangerous plot about 1 month before the store incident.

Due to these 2 incidents, I have adjusted my routine, to minimise risk.

Dr. David Russell-Weisz is the WA Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz, WA Director General of Health

NB: Get PDF of this post HERE.

Mossad Spy Lived in Kenyan Village Undetected

Mossad sent their agent to my home village in Kenya.

I never, ever imagined Mossad, or any other spy agency, would be able to pull off such a move. But Mossad did it, and no one suspected a thing.

Mossad did not send their agent to visit my home village. No. They sent their agent to live there, disguised as just another Kenyan.

Hats off to Mossad.

This matter hit me so close, that I cannot disclose certain issues – like how exactly I discovered that the person was a Mossad agent – because of privacy reasons.

I am not talking about a town or urban area, I am talking about a village in rural Kenya, where everyone knows everyone else, and therefore it is extremely difficult for a stranger to embed himself/herself there without raising suspicion.

Yet, Mossad pulled it off, without anyone in the village suspecting that the new villager was a foreigner, let alone a foreign spy.

Obviously, the agent was Black. With a local name. Apparently, Mossad had trained their agent about life in rural Kenya for such a long time such that she even spoke the local language fluently.

Like I have stated before, when you play god, the TRUE God will prove to you that you are just a mere earthling.

Mossad likes to play god. But the true God works in mysterious ways.

Consider the following: Mossad had done their homework perfectly. They used their infinite resources to embed their agent in the village without raising any suspicion.

Now, if Mossad was just patient, they would have waited till I went to visit the village. Their agent, being a good neighbour to my relatives, would have many excuses to come into close proximity to me, without me becoming suspicious…People die of heart attacks all the time. Nothing suspicious. Case closed.

However, for whatever reasons, they just couldn’t avoid using their agent to do some hatchet jobs aimed at slandering me, as she waited for the big assignment.

Malicious Rumour

So, Mossad used their agent to start a very bad rumour about me in the village (of course, nobody thought it was a malicious rumour, therefore, nobody suspected her or anyone else of starting it).

Example of how a rumour can be started, and people don’t realise it is a deliberate plot to misinform: You hear someone speaking on the phone, saying “You mean Peter went to Brazil…I didn’t know that…”

If someone tells you the next day: “I haven’t seen Peter in a while…” You might tell him, “I heard someone saying he went to Brazil…” So the story spreads that Peter went to Brazil.

However, the person who was talking on the phone about Peter going to Brazil was actually lying. His job was just to start the rumour without appearing to be doing so.

Because of how the story about Peter “going to Brazil” started, most people will take it as fact.

That is how Mossad operates. Using these kind of tactics, they can, and do spread all type of misinformation regarding their targets.

Back to the malicious rumour about me started by Mossad in my home village in Kenya.

The rumour did not have the final effect Mossad had expected. However, the rumour started a chain of events that led me to expose their agent embedded in the village.

I cannot go into details, obviously. But, suffice it to say that in their calculation, Mossad thought it impossible that I would get to know about the rumour. But I did.

Mossad had probably calculated that, although it is my home village, I never lived there as an adult, though my close relatives live there. Therefore, I did not follow issues about the village. And this is very true.

I was just lucky, and Mossad was unlucky. The probability of me knowing about the rumour might have been 1/1,000,000,000, yet I came to know about it.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.

The nature of that rumour was such that it couldn’t have been believed by anyone who knew me well, unless Mossad had their agent embedded in the village, and was discreetly pushing the rumour.

That is how I found out about their agent, and did what any law-abiding person would do under such circumstances.

NOTE: Even though I have previously explained that Mossad have certainly used Kenyan Private Investigators in their terror plots against me, in this case, I knew that local private investigators were not involved – couldn’t pull it off. It was too sophisticated for them.

Extrapolation – Shot in the Dark

I cannot write here about how exactly Mossad managed to embed their agent in a rural Kenyan village without raising suspicion. However, I became aware of their extraordinary tactics of quietly embedding their agents wherever they wanted, by using an agent that looked like the locals, spoke like them, and behaved like them.

All I needed to do, was look at online profiles of random people in Kenya, and see whether any of them fitted the characteristics or mien of a person who could have been embedded into Kenyan society by Mossad.

Voila! I just saw one such person, a well known young lady in Kenya. Her photo is below.

Ann, Mossad spy living in Kenya

Six weeks ago, I said publicly, “this girl could be a Mossad agent”?

The girl immediately went into hiding. She has not yet emerged from hiding, more than a month later.

Web articles mentioning the probability that she could be a Mossad agent were blocked by search engines.

NOTE: If you are a Mossad agent embedded into Kenyan society, it automatically means that you are using a fake, forged ID – A crime.

In Kenya, you must provide finger prints to get an ID. Therefore, if you have never had a genuine Kenyan ID…

Mossad Spy attends wedding in Kenyan village

Mossad Spy attends wedding in Kenyan village

Mossad’s Dr. David Russell-Weisz

Dr. David Russell-Weisz started working as WA Director General of Health in August 2015. Shortly afterward, Mossad took complete control of Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, SCGH.

It is obvious that Dr. Russell-Weisz is:
1. An agent of Mossad, the Israeli spy agency.
2. Very senior in the Mossad hierarchy in Australia.

Dr. David Russell-Weisz - Western Australia Director General of Health

Dr. David Russell-Weisz – Western Australia Director General of Health